Orthodontic. Connected. Care (O.C.C)

What is O.C.C Fund?


Ortho.Connected.Care (O.C.C) fund is a unique research and development (R&D) that builds itself on a certain percentage of every transaction performed on DentiNect. O.C.C fund is then carefully distributed on building orthodontic R&D across private and public institutes primarily focused on post graduate orthodontic residency programs.

O.C.C Process?

Research Proposal→ Apply→Selection→ Grant→Follow up

The global average for business R&D has increased from 1.08% of GDP in 2001 to 1.15% in 2011 1

is the growth trend of scientific articles catalogued in the Science Citation Index of Thomson Reuters b/w 2008-2014’ with highest number of Chinese publications at 151% 1

Pakistan’s A* Research has dropped from 3.84%- 2.21% from 2007-2013 2


1- https://en.unesco.org/unesco_science_report/figures
Where and how do we spend O.C.C Fund?
1. Outstanding researcher sponsorships to workshops & seminars
2. Unlimited access to portal for academic research
3. Unlimited access to data archives
4. Orthodontic exchange programs
5. Academic access to latest indexed articles
6. Quote your dissertation to buy literature review articles at fractional costs
7. Connect to Orthodontic specialists for guidance on local and international exams
8. Emphasis on women led initiatives
9. Focus on organizational management
10. Emphasis on Entrepreneurial Innovation
11. Networking, capacity building & serving purpose economy
12. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) categorization


Personal Information
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